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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Felderhof


posted on Mar 14, 2010 04:56PM

Fascinating Felderhof lecturing on dur diligence and anything regarding honesty. Not that I'm sayig he's guilty because courts didn't but someone is.

Another point re: Bre X and San Gold. Back when it started, I was there and there was a connection beteen San God and Bre X: Bre X made it near impossible to get anyone interested in investing in any kind of gold mine, regardless of where it was located. Those were dark and tough days for Huigh Wynne. From 1997 on for several years gold mines were suspect and only a man as determined and stubborn as Hugh Wynne could have kept this project alive.

But he was as determined a man as I've ever met and he had a dream and we are all prospering because of it. But Bre X, a great movie to be yet made -no Hollywood exaggeration needed, made it very much harder for Hugh.

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