Well, 'Fisher... IMHO, you've drunk the Kool-Aid awful deep...
imho, the biggest difference between US and Canadian bank system is the central banks. US central bank, Fed, is a cartel of top bankers, so it can manipulate the national money policy...Canadian central bank is more a gov agency, keeping some distance from greedy bankers.
Doesn't matter when the gvt is under the thumb of the bankers. You think our weak dollar policy throughout the 80s and 90s was just to keep the car plants in Windsor running? It also kept a nice steep yield curve for our banks to profit from.
US powers are too concentrated in just 2 parties, while Canada has quite a few more parties to make the power more balanced, thus the middle class interest is better protected and reflected. The best example is that US parliament can pass the 700B robbery bill with polled 70% public objection, cause both party members go for it and the public has no a third choice in the next election - which is unimaginable in Canada.
...which is why the NDP and the Bloc have formed a government... never.
I don't know if you were watching, but our gvt passed a bank bailout of its own:
$75B worth, which translates into, well, waddyaknow, ~$700B US, when the countries' GDPs are facored in.
And let's not mention the CMHC's $500B balance sheet, holding all those 0-40 and 5-35 $500k mortgages on East Van and Missassauga sh-tboxes....
Read this.
Pass me that Kool-Aid.... Yep, our banks are just fine.