Lunch, ...shorting your house no matter wheir you are in Canada could be a wise move if we see a high Loonie. Like most provincial Provinces, municipality"s raised their assesments in-order to raise your house taxes. The higher loonie will be cause for the Feds to raise interest rates and along with the new harmony tax, i see the housing market dropping 25% from the East to West. I see this game of Winkin, Blinkin and Nod of shorting San the same opportunity to short your house. MY-SELF i took my new higher house assesment to the Bank ( NOD ) and Wink, deposited X dollares into my account. I guess now i am Blink and purchased shares on the Greens. I guess in summary, by realizing a high line of credit ( short ) out of my house and now see my house drop in market value i am further ahead as my house offers me a higher ( life insured ) return ( financial ) and gives me extra cash to invest on the GoldenFairWay........PS, taking out a line of creit against your home for investment purposes is high risk, but all interest paid on the loan is totaly deducted from your income for tax purposses. I guess after my tax deduction, i am borrowing money at 2 3/4 % cost. Long On The Golden FairWay Traps7