Silver, thanx for the dialogue. I guess active traders may have out paced others in the last ten yrs, but in Sans case , Sans longs have showen a better return. I see this broad statment ( There is currently no market for WEL, COU, BGE and SKP at acceptable levels, in my opinion.The results from RL East has afforded attractive exit opportunities.) as an interesting topic as alot of board follower"s feel the same way as you. Mining Co, through out the Globe can only show share value through their drill bit and San has done that better then any one in Canada this yr. Sans mining plan has change because of the big finds and has offerd buying opportunities. I see again a mining plan changing because of more big finds and hope board followers do their DD as this is a time to buy, or hold and only sell if you have too. Long On The Greens. Traps7