Many New Highs for the Year
This month’s jump up in precious metals, resources and oil reinforces that the lows in February were likely the lows for the downward correction.
For now, the second quarter is off to a good start. The fact that gold’s decline was mild (down 13½%) is saying that the underlying bull market is strong and solid. You should now have your positions bought and in place, waiting for the bull market to further unfold.
Platinum and palladium have been strong, reaching new highs and they seem to be leading gold, silver and the metals shares in another leg up in the bull market. In fact, the new highs in many commodities reinforces this.
Many of you know the importance we place on the big picture. The big picture is most important, and knowing where the mega and major trends lie is a key to good investing.
Our main goal has always been to invest in the major trends and to stay with them. We can’t stress this enough because over the years we have found that more money can be made this way, rather than trading the intermediate moves. see all: