Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM

San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Why we hold SGR

Because the herd has had all in the info in news releases. They just can't seem to figure out the timelines that it takes to put it all together and the company has been over exhuberant in their budget predictions. The new president will probably underestimate so that he is a hero when they outperform expectations. Experience in public companies is a big plus when you have to deal with people who only read half the story and complain when it doesn't meet their expectation. In my case if I don't like it I sell and I have been caught selling too cheap because I hadn't kept current thru talking to the board and visiting the sites. Too many stocks in a portfolio is a reason many people don't have enough info on their investments. I keep my portfolio down to 10-12 now and keep current on all that I hold. I use the bullboards to pass on what I have heard, not to do my due diligence.

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