It is hard not to stay with gold and gold proxies (stocks of gold miners with proven gold in the ground - maybe SGR?) given the rapidly approaching recognition of the failure of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.
Porter states: “We need a reliable currency that can’t be printed.”
The logical solution for Stansberry is to revert to the gold standard since it worked for 4,000 year prior to 1971, when America abandoned the peg. Should gold once again become the world's reserve standard, its price will likely hit $7500 he says.;_ylt=AsvyEUcN1VlLwBBv231UsONk7ot4;_ylu=X3oDMTE3NnY0cGY0BHBvcwM2MQRzZWMDYXJ0aWNsZUxpc3QEc2xrA3RoZWVuZG9mYW1lcg--?tickers=^DJI,^GSPC,GDX,MOO,GLD,UUP,DBA