I gave the conference call another listen and i was Dale that referred to a tripling of the strike length of 007 and a doubling of the ounces per vertical foot. I listenened carefully however it was not clear as to whether these ounces were already in the 43-101 or not. I would think not as he does refer to the bulk sample and uses the time frame of a couple of weeks ago.
The current resource estmate includes the 007 from before the bulk sample so i would assume(and make an ass of myself lol) that we should be able to triple and then double the 007 numbers. In any case you do not have to be a rocket scientist to know we have more than 3 million ounces.
007 Zone
Indicated Mineral Resources 305,240 0.75 (25.7) 230,330
Inferred Mineral Resources 398,200 0.47 (16.1) 186,980