The Cambridge Investment Conference, oka "The Gold Show" was not as busy as it was in January - maybe it was the beautiful sunny day - but it was a fairly good turn-out. To-morrrow will probably be quieter since a lot of would-be attendees will be at work.
I talked to our new Communications Director, Tim Friesen, MBA (a pleasant, articlulate fellow) and he ran me through what's going on, most of which is already posted on the website.
Basically, 80k ounces this year, more next year, with cash costs falling to $650 next year.
Oodles of exploratory drilling going on from underground - will spend another $25 million next year on exploratory drilling.
But the hi-light of the day was Jay Taylor telling an audience at one of his presentations that San Gold was one of best Juniors out there and it would do really really well this year. He was positively gushing in his praise of our new CEO and what San Gold promises shareholders for the future.