When the AGM started, George Pirie met almost every single individual who entered the room and circulated freely, making everyone feel like they were part pf something. He can welcome, mingle and talk to a crowd.That's a change, but a small one.
Then he talked too fast and seemed to think that I (and maybe others too) could understand the 3 dimensional complexity of graphs that had nice colors and concepts that outstripped my abilities. But he also said things I and others did understand.
He made some promises which are still wanting completion. That is something I, and most, CAN grasp ... especially when deadlines, stated by him, are not met.
I still believe he will deliver, but I have been the eternal optimist for SGR from the beginning. However I do have some advice on the rare chance he reads this forum.
Slow down, Pause more, Assume we are not geologists and don't get everything, Keep it Simple ... and Don't Promise more than you can deliver. That has happened too much with SGR. We need positive news.