Re: No discrimimation meant . . .
in response to
posted on
Sep 07, 2011 12:27PM
San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.
I don't get it?
"After all these years we still cant update shareholders on a regular basis and if not with drill results than at least production numbers would be Nice"
Updated production mean like quarterly reports? That's fairly regular production updates. What do you want, reports every month? No company will ever give you that, quarter reports are made that way so daily or weekly swings in production, maintenance and grade doesn't fluctuate, this way they can get a better representation of how the company is doing.
As for drill results, you guys bitch and moan CONSTANTLY about drill results, this isn't a junior explorer anymore that is fighting to raise money for every single drill program it ever does. This is a mining company, buy it for the financials and the potential, not for a dozen lucky drill holes or a strong week of production.