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Message: 3rd Quarter Results

Lunch et al

The last year for SGR has been most disappointing and the movements unpredictable. When people are dumping gold to flock to the 'safe haven' of the U.S. dollar we know thinking is skewed and panic near. That is also affecting SGR and price movement.

That said, when George took over SGR we all looked towards salvation and he glad-handed his way around the meeting like a candidate. He spoke well and made some promises which seemed sincere but which he did not keep. I have real problems with broken promises, intentioned or otherwise, and an explanation and apology can go a long way. Neither happened and it's like the guy disappeared. The confidence may have also suggested some arrogance. Certainly things have not improved since he took over. Dale must be snirking somewhere in the background.

I am hoping we have a positive announcement soon, but have been disappointed so many times I do not bank on it. The word of Lunch does carry great weight and I would like to know what other investments you might consider. I'm sure many concur.


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