I'm encouraged by development and access from 16 level. I'm hoping that all production to date has been predominantly development ore from the periphary and that once access into the heart of the multiple high grade deposits in the 007 reflect the 007 bulk sample. I think once they report one quarter of high grade, there will be no looking back but I don't think we're there yet.
I also think San Gold bottoms this month or possibly has bottomed. The rise from .57 to $5 took about the same amount of time as the ride down to 1.39 and it also fits technically on a number of levels.
The current sell off is nothing more than fund liquidation to raise capital to stay in business not to mention the tax implications on any losses can be a real incentive to get back some of the money remitted in the 2010 tax year . It is not San Gold specific and once fundamentals eventually get factored in, there will be another long steady rise.