Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM

San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: played like a fiddle....

I like San gold...and I could be a buyer at these low levels to add to my holdings.

Why is it that I feel this stock is manipulated.....news will come out stock gets a bounce...then it looks like it gets shorted and filled at lower levels. It appears like this happens over and over?

Are insiders playing games or is it day traders or is it brokerage houses?

I would be interested if other have opinions on this...or is it just my over active imagination?

I don't like buying a stock where one day analysts come out and say it is a serious buy and it goes up to $4.00....then negative rumours start floating around and stock gets downgraded and goes to $2.00...maybe it is getting pumped to support the financings and then support falls off and stock drops. I like the stock I don't like the bumpy ride...something not right?

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