naked short selling......
posted on
Jun 18, 2012 01:19AM
San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.
THe only reason that these stocks get slammed...during the day and at and after the close is that naked short sellers are in control..JMHO. I am certainly no expert in this area...and would like have a quick education on how this all works...before I go off half cocked and start sending emails to the SEC. Logic tells me that in a bad market..which is cerainly the case today the manuipulators can make car loads of money by shorting stocks and then slamming news releases....especially if they can gain a little inside info. A stock like SGR that is very liquid would be a certain target.
I don't understand how they(manipulators) acummulate these shorts and keep it hidden but I do understand the numbers could be stagerring. Ie 20-30 million shorts on SGr..if that is possible could be accumulatedover several months in anticipation of upcoming events ie 43-101...the stock then gets hammered as soon as the NR comes out...gets negative press reports...the life is sucked out of the stock...then over the next few months the shorts buy back their position and make 40-50 cents a share. We are basically sending our money to the black market manipulators...if this is happening.
My question is:
1. Is this what we are complaining about to the SEC?
2. Do we have any proof that it is happening?
3. What should the SEC be doing about this? Are they even interested?
On the JSinclair site he is implying this same activity is happening at a global level to control the price of gold and silver? That is pretty the game is rigged!
There are certainly experts on this board that are a lot more knowledgeable than I am but if the above activity is really happening... ie not just a fantasy on our part then this is absolutely can the brokerage houses allow it to happen?
Seems to me we all need to become alittle more educated before we shoot off our mouths to the SEC...or at least I know I do!!