Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM

San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: AGM

Dale will no doubt play clueless as to why everyone is upset. This guy does the best deer in the headlights imitation I have ever seen.

Goldbugr makes a good point about bonuses being paid when a company profits. Still trying to figure out what the end game is for these guys, it clearly isn't building a profitable company. There were always comments floating around about how the mine has had historical trouble pulling gold out of the ground. Now I am starting to understand.

Right about now the boys will be trying on their flak jackets, making their exit plans and patting eachother on the back in preperation for the meeting. It could be the longest hour Dale and Hugh have had yet! Today will not phase George.

Longing for an exit plan of my own,


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