SGR = bomber stadium
in response to
posted on
Aug 20, 2012 05:22PM
San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.
This is what pisses me off about these guys.
Just like the bomber stadium, from day one they knew they wouldn't hit their dead lines. as the months progressed it became even more apparent. It took till just about the start of the season before the bombers finally annonced they wouldn't have the stadium ready for this season.
SGR is even worst. At least the bombers announced it before the season started. Now SGR has guidance of 100 000 oz. everyone knows they won't hit that this year. So why not adjust your guidance and appear competent rather then wait till year end and try to come up with som bull Sh!t excuss why you couldn't hit your target and dissapoint even more.
They had a perfet opportunity last quarter when mill was down. They could of simply said then due to the unforseen mill being down that they have to adjust their guidance to 85-000 - 90 000 which they might actually hit.
But now they will wait till end of year to say they didnt hit it and blame that.
It's not rocket science but if they simply just said it up front first there share price might of dropped a few cents then but jumped higher by year end when they achieved a goal.
Now it didn't drop as much initially but i can tell you one thing for sure, come year end we won't be as well off as we would of been had they adjusted guidance to a realistic number.
Don't these guys know that achieving goals is better then not?
Currently they appear as failures, they always fail to hit their goals. They will continue to appear as failures so long as they can't hit their goal and be cash flow positive.
at the exec level this should be simple, make SMART goals:
Specific, Measurable, ATTainable, Realistic, time bound.
and become cash flow positive
do those two things over a course of a year and this stock will be 5$