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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

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An article by Martin Cash called 'San Gold shares pummelled by low ore grade' in Saturday's paper won't help. It is simplistic and negative, with just enough info to scare people. I also checked some prices on other gold stocks like Barrick, Goldcorp, and others and they are also near year lows, and not mentioned in the article.

I am not an apologist here and am as confused, depressed and angry as any shareholder, but the issue is complicated. If not so, why has Doulis' projection dropped from a $1.05 to 30 cents in a couple of weeks; and BMO had us going to $1.60 recently.

The ground is the same, getting gold out is complicated; and it comes down to statistics: one is 86,506 is not 95,000-105, yet a gain of 17% when the mill is down for a month. The other is to say we missed another target. I am not George fan, but now see he was smart to not buy stock. It does also make one wonder why he didn't. Was he just lucky, or he did he know something, and his ties are suspicious. Explain or be gone.

The share price at the moment does not begin to reflect the worth of the company. Beyond that, I just don't know. Between the world-wide assault on the price of gold and the US Dollar still being the place of safety and the attack on mines in general, it is over my head. Probably has been for a LONG time.

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