The Damage has been done.
in response to
posted on
Mar 25, 2013 10:55AM
San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.
With GP being shown the door, you have to wonder if SGR has anything left in the tank after this rape and pillage.
Share holders probably have some of the lowest morale of any stock listed in Canada. The sentiment on this is not going to turn around anytime soon, and attracting new investors and those funds that washed themselves is going to be an uphill battle akin to climbing a mount everest.
Will Mr. Berezins be a Sir Edmund?
I think we will need someone like that.
When climbing a mountain, its slow and steady. I believe that this is what SGR needs. They need to set some clear and attainable goals and achieve them. That will bring the confidence back up, that or finding the "pencil".
It is now a wait and see.
Mr. Berezin, buys some shares in the market, that will be a good start.