Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM

San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: AGM


You guys keep mentioning stuff about attending the agm and all these questions about grade in the display sample, when it was taken, etc....

If you wanted to know this stuff why didn't you ask at the AGM?

If you still want to know why don't you contact SGR and ask them.

In my experience they've always been good at answering any questions they are allowed to answer.

Over the weekend this board is turning into another stockhouse which is the whole reason why I left that one originally.

Lets keep the bashing factual and lets stop the pier bashing. We are all in this together (expect for GP who was never in this).

Yes SGR had issues, yes they will still have issues but we need to give Ian some time under his belt so he can prove that he is capable.

All this talk about security is driving me insane. Yes Ian said they had security at the mill. They said they had some they just didn't say to what level. They elluded to not really any within the mine but I'm sure as they mining high grade there is probably a bunch of poeple around checking it out. What is miner to do with 10 KG of rock with 100 grams per ton in it. Lets see thats about 1 gram per 10 KG chunk of rock they haul out. So that's roughly 40$. Oh but wait they still have to mill it refine it... is he doing this in hi back yard? SO even if you have one or two people doing this for every now and then, what is it really costing the company? Probalby a lot less then a security guard wages.

Yes my numbers are not perfect, but should be a ball park.

Do we really need to incur more cost? Right now we need to cut as much cost as possible.

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