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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Meeting

I was also there. I like Greg (not that we have any choice), he put former managment in the spot light and agreed Dale drove the company into the ground. By attending, I learned that a merger is our only hope for survival. I feel the pain of Wpg Money (2nd most angry attendee), most of the people there were looking for some ray of hope and got it with Greg.

Exploration at SGX is being mothballed, Greg's team is now in place and things will hopefully turn around. If I can get a buck for my shares I will ride out into the sunset.

I was surprised when someone asked what Bob Brennan brings to the board... Greg's best answer was "He brings a calming affect to the board" ! I expect Gestur to be gone soon as he is the money guy that watched it all go down the toilet. Once they get this deal done he will be packaged off.

More later,


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