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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Meeting

The Greg Gibson meeting is coming up and for those who have not seen 'the show' come see it. Gibson has an agenda, for sure, and it is to save San Gold. Whether he can and if it will work we'll see. But he is, to me, our only hope, and entertaining to boot. What he said on the video is pretty much what he said at the Meeting, and he was convincing, for me. We are so far down this rabbit hole that it will take a near miracle to get out.

That said, I was convinced ... and hopeful. We still have the Gold, and he will tell you why the joining with Kerr has to happen. Come and hear him and make an informed choice. Otherwise it's just blether.

Probably is anyway, but is there a better option?


Oct 26, 2014 09:57PM

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Oct 31, 2014 09:42AM
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