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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Meeting

Flooding: I too had never heard of it as an issue, but he mentioned it at the end and in the context of what might happen if Care and Maintenance was not engaged. He was trying to make the point that Care is necessary and expensive and this might be an alternative without it. He was adamant about flooding being the end of SGR.

I assumed that the price is U.S., not Canadian, but the point was that $1100 is a breaking point for so many. He mentioned that the 'all in costs' for SGR are around $1100.

Keep in mind that these ideas are being funneled through me, a questionable witness. Two things stuck with me however: the price of gold is crucial to survival and Gibson seems both capable and determined to save SGR. I was heartened.

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