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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Re: SGR delisted as of January 29
Dec 30, 2014 01:47PM

I have a lot of questions I would like to ask, however I am not sure how far you can go without being sued for slander. The first question is an easy one. I have always wondered why head grades were always lower than the assays. Is it conceivable when visible gold in nugget form is in the cores, for a shack worker to split them and send the better half in for assay? Perhaps this is a human trait that would be done unconsciously. Only asking not suggesting. I know I have to be careful but I also wondered why the howe street bunch were the first to go followed by the geo. We know they have gold but the recovered grades have always troubled me.

In reality though, I believe many of us(including the management of sgr) got caught up in the belief that gold was a valuable monetary reserve and prices would go above $1600 and stay there. In fact I thought that inflation from money printing would send pog much higher. What we saw instead was the banks keeping all of the new money to themselves. There has to be some wash out eventually, but how these banksters accomplish that end I have no idea.

Jan 02, 2015 11:48AM

Jan 06, 2015 01:17PM
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