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Message: Investments In This Market

Rookie, ..higher commodities prices pushed equities along in the last two yrs but with recent World turmoil all equities large and down to the little junior explore are way under valued..I recall this disconnect back in 87 when the Global markets crashed which makes me think what we are seeing Globally is much worse to-day.My-self, invested only in junior mining stocks in the past 40 yrs have had alot of up and downs. I also like silver going forward as this poor mans gold is far from it"s old 10 to one ratio to gold price. I see Regulation"s tightning up Funds guide lines on how they back their silver deposits which well drive up prices. Looking out Globally, Qatar, Russia and India are holding World Sporting events in size of BC olympics which puts demand on copper and silver. Japan well start buying in ist Qtr to rebuild substations ( silver,copper ) which Asian Analyst suspect by the 3rd Qtr shortages of both metals as the 3 start spending Billions on thier infrastructure ...PS" junior explores are usualy the first to hit the bath water and most of them drown so they get renamed and start again and again and eventualy when a 43-101 says we have enough then the equity attracts the taxi driver and the rumor mill starts..Everything is risk in Capital markets, ..but if your looking for a junior selling below my cost with open pit potential ( silver,zinc,copper,gold,cobalt ) then send me a in-box..Traps7

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