Message: SMH

no harm taken as I do not take things to heart. I like this company and yes they have had a few problems. And yes I will talk positive/pump about this company over the next six months or longer. I still like GOLD as Greece & Spain and the rest of Europe has no idea what to expect. With SMH I do believe long term we no what to expect.

Split of company

I keep hearing GOLD in some parts of Guyana and yes we do have property in Canada

So who ever is watching SMH. we should see some movement this summer and not

just aquiring more property. Sooner or later they have to do some work on the

properties and this is what I am waiting for. Time is on my side and if I were to die next

week then my children will become rich. Nice to see so many people still watching this

stock. So sit back and watch the canucks or Montreal go forward. Go Canada Go SMH

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