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Message: Top Of The World

Top Of The World
Sienna Finds High Silver and Gold Grades in Peru’s Andes
By Ted Niles

A year ago, Sienna Gold TSXV:SGP was focused on the Domo and Tesoros areas of its Igor project in Peru. Its objective was to turn them into a small but economic near-term mine. But an eight-hole drill campaign on the nearby Callanquitas structure, completed May 2011, led to a 15,000-metre campaign, which might very well transform the company’s prospects. “I’m very excited, and I think the future’s very bright for Sienna,” says President John Rucci.

“We had started a prefeasibility-type study for the small mine at Domo and Tesoros,” President John Rucci explains, “and part of the drilling there was to close in the ounces that we have in the resource. That’s moving forward, but now in light of what’s coming out of Callanquitas, the design would have to be much different than what we’d planned. If in fact it provides what we need, we’ll start investigating opportunities to put the whole thing in production—Callanquitas, Domo and Tesoros.”

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