We have a lot to look forward to, not just for the upside in SFMI, but for many of the JPMs. Today was exciting for gold/silver but I am expecting a lot of volitility. We have been whiplashed and suppressed in this sector for so long many have thrown in the towel and the rest are wearing neck braces, "Attends" and helmuts. Many have lost small fortunes...just holding their promising stocks that have,in some cases lost 80% to 90% of their stock value...while their intrinsic value has doubled and tripled in spome cases. I predict a reverse whiplash upwards. Wish I knew the timing but from all the signs, signals and pundits out there...it's gonna be a thriller folks. those who hang in there will make it all up ad then much more. We all deserve it. Those just coming in to this sector will reap huge rewards.
Given all that, can you just imagine the upside leverage on SFMI given the resource? When the SOBs finally give up their stranglehold on the JPMs there is no reason not to see this near- producer at $2. Call me crazy, but that's the way I see it.
That mirage is a real Oasis.