Good morning all:
So far this morning, Internet Explorer cannot open the site for the webcam. Probably a temporary glitch. Well, even though I had thought the floor had long since been poured, no such luck. I suspect they are working with a small crew and progress is slow. However, as you pointed out LongSFMI, it should be done soon as everything is in place. That means we are not going to see the mill building finisheded until probably January some time and then mill assembly plus odds and ends to get the mill operating. Probably looking at Feb. sometime for the fiirst pour.
In the meanwhile, I have to think that the listing is near, so that may boost the stock a bit. As always, my caveat remains re the volitile backdrop of the PMsand the rocket ship potential of the JPMs once unleashed. I read somehwere the other day that one PM wiriter thinks there won't be a JPM available for under $5 at some point...even Moose pasture. If such is the case over the next few years, I believe we will all be out of the market and overjoyed with our profits.
Ahhhh, patience...very hard for me as an A.D.D., reigned-in,. impulsive personality too quick to be optimistic at times. I'm working on my "realism" lessons very hard these days.
Cheers all!