An interesting report from the Idaho Geological Survey just released last month:
Abandoned and Inactive Mines in Southern Idaho
A survey of abandoned and inactive mines in the Silver City/War Eagle Mountain area. Includes lots of pictures that give you a feel for just how much mining went on in this area in the 1800s/early 1900s. Intended mainly to document hazards such as open shafts, but also includes a brief history (when available) for each mine including production and whether there was still "good ore" when mine was stopped. Covers mines such as Belle Peck, Oro Fino, Poorman, and Golden Chariot. The report seems to be a summary of site visits over a period of time. For example, the Belle Peck adit was visited in 1999- before SFMI started working in the area.
WARNING: Large file! May lock your computer if you attempt to view it online. Might be easier to download and then view.