I'm not saying I want that 1 oz/ton to be 30 gm silver and 1 g gold instead of 30 gm gold and 1 gm silver, I'm saying that I want that 1 oz EQUIVALENT to be weighted toward silver (where 1 oz Au eq = X gm Au + (31-X) x $1200/$18 gm Ag). If the price of silver rises more rapidly than that of gold, then that 1 oz Au eq becomes greater than 1 oz Au eq as the contribution of silver to the total value increases disproportionately. Similar to what would happen to the value of that bag of pennies if the value of copper went astronomical compared to the metals (whatever they are) in the quarters. BTW, it now takes about 2 cents of metal to make a penny, and 9 cents of metal to make a nickel. Which makes no sense.