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Message: I will post this at "that other" site...just have to vent here....

The Jackals, thieves and liars are winning battles but will lose the war…they just don’t think they will and they think they are much more clever than the “chumps” that hold long on any solid junior precious metal stock. They perceive themselves as the clever ones, “the boys from NY”, taking advantage of every trick in the book…both legal and illegal…for now, with impunity. They ridicule and laugh at the suckers, the “straight” investors and their motto is that of the Wall St. movie caricatures, “greed is good”.

As a good fellow long just reminded me, these fraudulent scum do not care about the fundamentals of an “SFMI”…they know that it is a winner…they just don’t care because the game they play involves betting on the direction and amplitude of the stock swings. We longs are drawn into this ruthless “game” only if we allow it. They want us in the game. I essence it is a “derivatives game” of sorts, a bet on the way the stock trades, not the real value of the stock itself. They want us to “play” and lose…and they will lie, cheat, steal, and counterfeit shares to get movement in the share price. They need us for their “leverage”. They will use illegal leverage to sell way more shares than exist…over and above those that we can see that are shorted and published on a daily basis, which is over 30%. A serious question that many longs might ponder now is, “are the insiders involved in this “game”? Oh yes dear investor, some are. Have the shysters tempted them into their lair as well, with monetary goodies? In some cases this may well be happening. After all, if Barrix and Gladman Sucks can openly screw their shareholders, why shouldn’t the little guys? Pretty scary for the legitimate investor isn’t it? I wouldn’t want to get caught when the heat is turned on and scapegoats must be found and soundly humiliated and sent to jail though, because it will be the little criminals that pay the price. Remember Bernie Maidoff? Do you really think he was the main cog in the wheel?

The most insulting and angering part of all this is that these criminals are getting a nodding approval from those that run the show, if only by error of omission…(so, we see the manifestations of this in the day to day manipulation of the SFMI’s of the world…they are like the proverbial kids in the Cocaine store)…the regulators, law makers, securities commissions and the Admin.itself. Why? Because the exhausting and illegal 11 year initiative to keep gold and silver in a box can not be given up…at any and all costs…even though the end game is upon them and they hide behind terrifying secrets. You see, they have sold the nation’s wealth off, all of it’s gold, many times over…an act of treason. And we are close to that point where “all costs” will have to be paid by the perpetrators, hiding hopefully behind their interminable arrogance and now tentative power. It is all beginning to unravel at the bequest of the world stage, no longer their stage. There is no way out now, save pushing the paper and printing more debt, IOUs, bonds and dollars until hyperinflation knocks us all to our knees in the greatest depression in over 100 years.

But back to our plight right here at SFMI. How long will these snotty little criminals have their way with us (and other stocks)? Good question…and Ill bet they have no clue. But dear investor, rock trumps paper and gold smashes debt. The real prize is gold and silver…the same gold and silver that is worth more now than when you got up this morning, no matter what the markets say. It is the same gold and silver that is getting harder and harder to buy. Good old “supply and demand”…as good as gravity fellow longs. You can place paper bets on the PMs movements all you want…but you have to possess it to hold its intrinsic value. It will be worth more every minute of every day for the next several years. It will be the only thing that can back global currencies with any measure or integrity as the world currencies race to the bottom right before our blood shot eyes…today, this hour, now. Gold (and silver), the real prize, is what SFMI holds in spades…over $80 million in above ground ore (at .75 oz/t) and $80 million in readily available shaft ore (over 2.75 oz/t). In War Eagle there may be well over 10 million high grade ozs. gold…estimate over $1 billion dollars. The slimy ones want so desperately to divert your attention from this annoying fact. Imagine them actually having people believe it? WHY don’t people read the valuable, credible, factual information gift wrapped for them at the SFMI website:silverfalconresources.com? Why would they believe a slimeball on a BB over a credible course? Laziness? Time?

So, dear fellow longs, SFMI is worth way over $5 share today by any measure. When the dam breaks and the ongoing rush to gold and silver bring the hordes to the JPMs, not only will P/Es be way over 20 to 1 (so think $5 x 20 )…think about that long lost and forgotten thingee called “SPECULATION”, because I don’t think one in a hundred have ever seen it or experienced it in the PM markets in their lifetimes. And that dear readers-to-this-point will be an awesome experience. Those positioned when it happens will truly experience a once-in-a-lifetime thrill…and could end up being extremely wealthy. That could come in handy when cheese is $199/lb.

In summation, as I sit here and one finger type in a state of suspended disbelief, I am astounded that so few realize the wealth SFMI holds and that so many are somehow hoodwinked into believing the BS that is spewed out hourly on the BBs by the slimy little crooks of NY and Florida and elsewhere. All good American citizens should be outraged by what is being perpetrated upon them this very day. What is happening to SFMI is merely a symptom of the disease. Take back your country, your control and your freedom. We Canadians need you…the world needs you…but most of all, you need you.

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