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Message: Damage Control

The way I understand Spiny (plus some discussion from other attendees)...who is travelling and cannot answer you now .... is that the value of the concentrate is considerable and growing since the only real real currency, the only thing left that is no one elses's debt, is gold and silver as the best collateral in the world right now..that anyone can have for security today...there is no problem securing funds against it or even a portion of it say at 5%?. The buyers are falling all over themselvesfor it. In fact, it is now the very best security there is. Every one with a brain wants gold ans silver, or even slivers of them...and they are paying appreciating premiums for the real thing.

Gold is going to be over $1300/oz. soon so why sell it when it is heading for $1600 plus by January .... talk about covered margin and a smart play on the part of the shareholders I might add...intentional or not...and silver is still explosive and could easily be $30 or more by then. The way I figure it, PQ is doing what's best for PQ and his family...just like what you would do. The exciting thing for us is that by default, we are all winners riding on Pierre's windfall. And let me assure you, Pierre is going to make bloody sure that the value of SFMI stock will do extremely well. He really doesn't have to try that hard now as all the hard lifting has been done. Build it and they will come. He doesn't have to bend over backwards for shareholders because he knows what they hold.

It makes all perfect sense and raising a paltry $83,000/month is peanuts compared to the accumulative treasury of gold and silver SFMI has and is accumulating, increasing daily. This building treasury, that next to no JPM in the world has, is more than adequately covering all expenses plus allowing for share buyback. But if you want proof/guarantees...you are in the wrong investment in my opinion. And get this, unlike Wall St. it isn't leveraged 100 to 0ne. No derivative BS here my man. Maybe you should be asking those in charge of US pensions... US stock market regulators and taxpayer bailed out banks the hard questions...that is where the real risk is. Seems to me you have little faith in SFMI and want a lot of security...that is your perogative...you won't find it here or anywhere else.

If you are a trader and hoping for the stock to dive tomorrow you may make a buck...but those that follow this tired refrain may get quite a shock because the player no longer holds the advantage to the fundamentals. As I said earlier, the game has changed... But only my opinon...so let's see what happens this week. It is no longer a gamble to bet on the side of the PMs...unless you want a quick, naked short backed buck or two over an hour, or a day or two..but they too are in deep doo doo and can scarcely believe that their old deviant ways are losing now.

I think the "players" are in for a surprise by mid day tomorrow or the next day. There are now more waiting to buy as the shorts drive...or try to drive...the stock down tomorrow morning. It is sooo obviuos by the flurry of negative posts on "other BBs" by those who were not at the meeting ... who do not get the fundamentasl or have never believedin them. This SFMI story has legs and many are buying in at these ridiculous low prices because they have the bucks and they know where the dough is...gold and silver that is. When I see some of the excuses for JPMs out there that are trading for 50 cents to a buck...and compare them to SFMI...I can scarcely believe SFMI is still trading at these low levels.

Good luck.

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