On the other board I find increased Basher activity signals me when to buy . That tells me that they are concerned or that their employer is concerned that the price is too high or will rise too high on pending or expected news so they want to discourage buyers and bring it down. I estimate where SFMI will drop to and place a good till canceled order and wait . Example Mon 9/26 I got filled on 25,000 at .181 so I have now accumulated over 800,000 shares since Oct 2009.
It's easy to spot Bashers , by paying a small fee you get expanded privileges at IH and can see 50 past messages of a suspected Basher , usually after reading 10 or so you can see a pattern . The same is true re Truth Talkers --review 10 or more messages and see if he is factual,and refers you to reliable sources.Soon you will have a list of Bashers and Truth Talkers,and know who to skip reading and who to study, print and save, although if you expect to be successful you should have already checked, read and studied all Press Releases, reports from the Idaho Board of Mining etc. So far I,ve doubled my money and when it hit .46 cents I was ahead $150,000 with only 400,000 shares approx. LINDY