BY paying a small fee on IBLUB you can get EXPANDED PRIVILEGES and see 50 past messages of a suspected basher. Usually after reading as lilttle as 10 messages you can see a pattern of negativeism , exagerations, lies, ignorance of facts etc. The same is true re the TRUTH TALKERS-- review 10 and check their statements vs Press Releases, Idaho Bureau of Mines,War Eagle mountain history, previous assays , and other 3rd party trustworthy sources that you dug out in your initial due dilligence research. Then make your lists of Bashers and helpful Truth Talkers . Then skip over all messages from Bashers and all rebuttals or replies to Bashers . Pay strict attention to Truth Talkers , several of whom have deep knowlege and great insight and experience. This way you save much time and avoid needless discouragement.
PS: Anyone who is skillful at getting messages past the monitors at IBLUB , please feel free to convey these ideas to IBLUB. LINDY