"What 99% of the motivated population will do is buy companies which have proven resources, production or stock piles of commodities and precious metals."
Seems absurd, doesn't it, that SFMI is being nitpicked to death about every word coming from either the company, or the people that went to the SHM, while ore is brought to the mill for winter operations.
Good grief, even if there was no mill, just owning all that existing ore should have investors drooling. Then to have all that mineable gold and silver besides. Yet, all that the naysayers can do is bitch, moan, and complain about what was said, or wasn't said, and to hell with the big picture.
Besides all that extremely valuable dirt, mined or un-mined, there's an operating mill. A mill, a mill, that elusive piece of equipment that a majority of explorers can only dream about.
But yet, even some of the SFMI longs are all up in arms because they aren't rich yesterday, all because news doesn't come as fast as they want. In this manipulated sector, until the heavy hands either leave or turn into buyers, I'd bet that even great news will result in a share price move that's mostly capped, just to make sure there's not too much excitement.
I'm personally waiting for the realization of the "Big Picture."