Agree, sinbob. Until SFMI comes out with numbers all of this is speculation- whether founded or not. Interesting you pointed out how clean the concentrate was- at least 283 lbs of metal in 500 lbs, maybe more if most of the rest is silver sulfide. When I stated after the shareholder meeting that it looked like what was coming off the table was very clean, completely separated from the lighter material (silicates), and appeared to consist of almost nothing but gold and silver sulfide, I was attacked on the other board- it can't be that clean, mostly sand and water, must be black sand, must have rocks in it, etc. Well, even if there's no other metal (silver or not) in the other 200 lbs, I'd say at least 56% gold and silver is pretty clean. Some companies send "concentrate" to the smelter that's no better than SFMI's starting ore. Of course, that's "concentrate" if you're starting with less than a g/t.