In my observation of the upswing of's been a smooth ride up, unlike the time it shot up to nearly .47 then came crashing down to a low of the high .11's
IMO, SFMI is consolidating and holding support at .25
GHDC appears moving up slightly faster than it on emotion or rational investing?
I have both GHDC/SFMi for awhile and holding long term till payday. Hopefully, paid will be sooner than later.
We have all concluded, REVENUES REVENUES REVENUES with high profit margin will send SFMI to the moon along with GHDC holding the reins.
This is how this reporter sees it.
By the way...thanks for all input from everyone who love to type and even the ones who have bad grammar. I see through the grammar errors. It's only a minor fault. I rather seek substance than fluff. Hard line facts......