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Message: Helter skelter re the smelter.


I finally think I understand you. You have been upset for the 2 years, (it seems like forever) that I have been on this board. Upset that life isn't fair. Your metro buddies are fighting the good fight against all of those bad banks who want to make all of the money. Sort of like what they did when they brought down the world financial system when all they wanted to do was make a little money in the housing market. They always win.

Of course the metals market is manipulated. So are all of the commodity markets, the stock markets, the housing market and the US Government was just held hostage by the bigest banks in the world, and the Govt blinked. and paid them off 100 cents on the dollar to cover their losses.

You and I are powerless to change the system. The best we can hope for is that theCommunists come to our rescue and they are the only ones that can crush the Gold manipulation. But don't be fooled, the banks will get to the other side, and make mioney on the long side too. Or they will lick their wounds, and just find something else to own, like maybe Switzerland. My bad, they already own Switzerland, Britain, Germany, and The former country called United States of America. Sinbob, I hope you understand the word Powerless, because that is what you are.

Sinbob, You have been such an apologist for the bad mangement of this company and Rich for so long some might suspect that you are related. If you will recognize the truth, then you will understand that there are no more bashers than there are pumpers, and none of us have any control over what PQ, Rich or SFMI do, or don't do. The price of the stock will appreciate in direct proportion the their performance and willingness to cut others in on the profits.

Hopefully you will find some other cause for all of your energy in life. You have no power to change the manipulated markets. You can only sit in the stands and cheer for the good guys. You have such passion, and there is so much to be repaired in the world, why do you spend all of your energy on tilting at windmills?

Go do something that you have control over, and this company, flawed as it is, which you and I cannot control will take care of itself and hopefully will provide us the means to do some battle against the real enemy in the world, which destroys the freedom we all want for our children, greed and fear.


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