It's all just noise
posted on
Apr 01, 2011 11:07AM
(Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)
It's all just noise. . . .
I've just returned from Bermuda where I enjoyed a very nice vacation with my family all paid for by my gains of last year. How is it that at 48 years old I have been able to retire off of what I made in the last couple of years in the market? Because I buy right and sit tight. Yes, that is a favorite quote of mine from Jesse Livermore and I have applied it to my life.
If I sold every time one of my picks went south I would have never made a dime. What do I do when a pick of mine goes south. I buy, buy, buy. And if it becomes really painful I buy even more.
For those who have convinced friends and family to buy SFMI? Those who have sold will be very jealous of you soon and those who have hung on will kiss you. When family and friends come up to me and ask me about SFMI or complain I ask them one question. Have you bought more?
This is the time to do one thing and one thing only. Stick to your convictions. Nothing has changed to make SFMI a loser. Nothing!! Stop worrying about todays price and go on vacation, or turn off the computer.
Look at gold this morning. How many people were scared out of their positions? More than will want to admit by the end of the day.
Everyone holding SFMI stock will win in the end. That is as certain as the sun coming up tomorrow. Next time your friends or family complain tell them that. Don't dismay my fellow investors. I have never been wrong about a pick yet. I never sell when I am down and every single stock in my portfolio that I have ever sold (except my very first trade) has made me double my money. Double will be minimum here.
You mark my post and don't forget it. It will happen just as I have said it will.