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Message: OT; Had to Get It Off My Chest

I attribute recent developments in the political/financial world to the problems of the Obama administration. Don't get me wrong, I'm not just an Obama and Clinton hater, I now disdain Bush and his cohorts too. The only politician that is worth his salt is Mr. Ron Paul. Any person that wants to rid us of the Federal Reserve, pull us out of the current so-called wars, and act fiscally responsible is a friend of mine. Anyway, now that you know my politics you can better see my point of view and some may think of me as a “conspiracy theorist” after reading this but the bottom line is the bottom line, I follow the money.

Before it escapes most peoples minds I want to remind everyone what was happening before the so called Bin Laden killing. Number one was the Obama birth certificate. The version the WH whipped out was very shoddy and poorly photo shopped. It brought up more questions than answers. Number two is the refusal of the Congress to give Obama and Tim Geithner because they say we have to. Doesn't this remind you of Paulson saying the whole financial system will implode and they took that money and bailed out many U.S, banks as well as foreign banks? Number three was the U$D dropping precipitously and gold and silver spiking. Number four is the new war in Libya. Let's see, they have oil and Gaddafi is rumored to have the eighth most gold in the world. Can you imagine if the USA can put in a friendly regime they could establish a central bank, start a new fiat currency over there and sell all that gold to suppress the current price. Wow, getting rid of Gaddafi, getting their oil, setting up a new globalist central bank, and then selling their gold into the market to suppress real money. Sorry Rwanda and Sudan, you have genocide but no reward like commodities for us to bother with you.

So if you're our government and you want to squelch the negative press that is overwhelming you, pull the patriotism card out announcing that Osama Bin Laden was killed by the Navy Seals. Notice how the four negatives facing the current administration have suddenly gone to the back pages of the paper and Obama's poll figures have improved. It's not by accident. I'm not alone in my thinking, two high powered public figures that believe the same thing is Dr. Steve Pieczenik (worked under 3-4 former US former Secretary of States,) and Paul Craig Roberts (from the Reagan administration and former editor of the Wall Street Journal).

So you still don't see that the government is trying to deceive us with this phony Osama story. Ask yourself this. Why would they supposedly kill an unarmed head of the biggest terrorist group in the world? A normal person would want to interrogate this guy and get all the information possible he has. The USA tortured hundreds if not thousands to find out what Al-Qaeda was up to but we pop the head guy and then dump his body at sea within a day? I call bullshit.

What does the future hold from this point on? I see a false flag terror incident perpetrated by our own government within the next year. 1993 we had the World Trade Center bombing that killed 11 people I believe, 1995 we had the OKC bombing that killed 168 people, 9-11 that killed 3,000+, the 2008 financial meltdown that we bailed out the banksters. Just remember that when the economy goes to hell some type of military action seems to come out of nowhere.

These are just some thoughts to keep in mind when looking at the big picture.

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