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Message: How disgusted..............

In a logical world, a person might have thought that actually producing gold would mean the share price would reflect such a thing. But of course, logic has no place in an artifically suppressed market sector.

Therefore, knowing that the PM shares, as a whole, are not allowed to generate any interest to investors, we are at the mercy of short-term traders for a couple of pennies - up down, up down..., while potential investors for the PM sector are hoodwinked into putting their funds into GLD and SLV.

So here we sit fluctuating around the 10 cent area, waiting for the financial system to collapse before the many elephants sitting on all PM shares become extinct.

In the mean time, while we wait, at least SFMI has started to produce. So, even though the share price may not be allowed to rise, income is still being generated. We already know SFMI will be buying back shares. Well, guess what? They will be buying back a sh*tload more shares at this stupid low price.

Eventually the only people that will have shares are those of us that simply aren't going to part with them. I'll betr there aren't too many that would even consider parting with them until the shares are priced at many, many dollars.

Imagine a gold and silver producer with few shares outstanding, cash rich, gold & silver rich, and gold and silver at astronomical prices, AND a share price of 10 cents. Is it even conceivable that such a company would be a prime target for a takeover by a major producer starved for new sources of minerals?

Is it possible to imagine that the few tight-fisted shareholderss that are left, aren't going to allow a takeover with shares only priced in the cents?

I can envision price suppression continuing until the banksters lose all control, so I can also envison SFMI not being allowed to move up much until a buyout offer.

I'd like to be very, very, very wrong, but the new, real logic says the PM shares are all controlled until the financial system collapses, or at least the banksters have crashed and burned.

Who knows, by then we may be pricing SFMI not in Dollars or cents, but in ounces of gold and silver. Maybe when a buyout occurs, we won't be paid not in fiat currency, but in actual gold and silver.


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