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Message: 1975(?) Idaho Bureau of Mines Report

SFMI has all the maps, along with boxes of reports and assay results from the companies that previously owned WEM in the 1970 through to the Chinese ownership in 2000.

I think this two pg. report (the second pg. is generally descriptive about the geology of WEM) is part of the reports and assays SFMI inherited in 2007 upon concluding a deal with the Chinese. I have a copy of the "Idaho Bureau of Mines Report on War Eagle Mountain", 2 pgs, that I will bring to the shm.

I contacted the Idaho Geological Survey earlier this yr. and asked if they had a current copy of the 2 pg. report. They checked all their files, and said no, they did not find any copies of the report in any of their files. They said that the heading at the top of the report indicated that the report was put out by the Idaho Bureau of Mines some time before IBM changed it's name to the Idaho Geologoical Survey in 1980.

I would guess that the report was put out some time in the mid 1970's when Copper Range Exploration owned the Sinker Tunnel. R. Asher, employed as a Prof. Geol. for IBM in the 1970's, published "Geololgy and Mineral Resources of a Portion of the Silver City Region, Owyhee County, Idaho", in 1968, 153 pgs. His IBM report of 1968 does not mention any exploration or surveying being done on WEM . I conclude that the 2 pg. report was most probably produced by the IBM in the mid 1970's, after Asher's 1968 report.

The salient excerpt from the report:

"Estimates of reserves range from 500,000 to 3,000,000 oz. of gold. Recent surveys have tended to confirm these estimates, and, with silver values included, reserves could reach 5-8,000,000 oz. of gold equivalent. "


In order to correctly see what the IBM had estimated, you should value their estimates using mid 1970's gold to silver ratios and $/oz. The silver value at 1975 (?) prices, by IBM estimation, is equal to between 3-5,000,000 oz. of gold. At the roughly 1:40 ratio of gold:silver in 1975, then WEM may have between120-200,000,000 oz. of silver today. At $40./oz. silver, the gross value of silver alone would be $4.8 bil. to as high as $8 bil. Then add 3 mil oz. of gold @ $1,800/oz. for $5.4 bil. The IBM estimates in todays combined gold/silver value would be a low of $10.2 bil to a high of $13.4 bil.

The estimate of possible 5-8 mil oz. of gold equiv. leads to some interesting ideas. One is that the IBM staff felt that there was much more silver than the earlier reported 1:14 ratio. Using 1975 values for gold and silver, you can compute how many gold and silver oz's were in the estimates. The IBM estimated ratio of gold to silver ranged from a low of 1:40 to a high of 1:66. The Silver City area production of silver went as high as 1:100.

Using IBM figures to estimate pm profits today, we could easily make as much from silver production as gold at WEM. If the 8 mil. oz. gold equiv. figure turns out to be true, we could make 60% of yearly profits from silver production. (assuming you were not targeting just the gold veins).

Sep 03, 2011 10:47PM
Sep 03, 2011 11:13PM
Sep 04, 2011 01:22PM

Sep 04, 2011 01:36PM
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