My first car was a 1960 Ford Falcon 2 door...bought it from my BLM boss for $125 in 1968. It wasn't sexy like the Falcon Futura was but it got me around for a while until I sold it and bought a 1954 Chev station wagon for $100.
I sure hope the bleeding has ended for SFMI and AUMN, both were up today and that makes me feel better. I was far more bummed out over AUMN, than SFMI/GHDC because I know where the company is going but AUMN is a different story, I'd like to sell the whole lot and buy more GHDC but I'm underwater with the stock and I'll just wait it out until I get into the green, if that every happens...LOL. Anyway, I hope the share price goes up on all 3 stocks and relieves my stress level.
Regards to all longs!