bluesboone- If you read the PR carefully, you'll see that the 31,218 tons of "high grade" "concentrate" is simply the ore that has already been processed, but has only had 15-25% of the PMs removed, so now instead of maybe 5 g/t, it is 4 g/t (still "high grade" compared to many gold mining operations). Referring to this partially depleted ore as "concentrate" is just more dishonest weasel wording. It is NOT concentrate. It is the ore that has been run through the mill in the last two years without removing much of the gold, and that needs to be run through again, hopefully when the mill is running more efficiently. Even more hopefully, that will never be run through again ever if they start mining much higher grade stuff.
Sending this ore to another facilty to process would be extremely expensive, and no more cost effective than if they sent the original ore. The only saving would be in the actual milling process, since the ore has already been ground to a fine powder.