Where is the GHDC 10K report since they're generating revenue from the tailings as specified in the SFMI 10K report? SFMI doesn't own one 100% of the 170 acres. GHDC owns 70% of the claims. Should be filed by April 16, before 5:30 PM ET
Why is SFMI milling GHDC claims and being charged 83k a month and 15% royalty on the 29% of their claim ownership? SFMI should be charging GHDC for milling their ore. The milling of ore has nothing to do with the rent payment per month.
4 claims are under Great Western control...who are they? I believe it’s a combination of both SFMI and GHDC
The unknown claims are 100% owned by GHDC.
Where is the money to fund the drilling, 43 101 and milling operations? They are working on announcement regarding both.
I understand why PQ is loading up on SFMI shares now because of the additional claims by SFMI.