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Message: dcbass moderator !

Semper Fi

"I think PO traveling to N.Y. to meet the likes of a short seller like you, should have given it more thought"

LOL...You can go to my historical posts on I-Hub on SFMI (the board I moderated for some time) and read for yourself if my posting is that of a short seller.


I've never been called a short seller before and I'm unable to short SFMI or any penny stocks for that matter, but if what I write hurts your eyes and the only way you can refute it or debate it is by merely calling me names or accusing me of being a short-seller, well then have at it, or just ignore my posts. I assure you this is not a debate you want to start.

The reason I was invited to NY was because I have/had access to a group of quite large investors that are well-schooled in junior miners and were curious about SFMI as an investment opportunity. I also have/had access to a private e-mail distribution of approximately 200 investors/traders that were waiting on my due diligence go/no-go on SFMI as a potential opportunity. I also had a 30+ page due diligence document in the works on everything regarding SFMI that I was prepared to release to these potential investors after meeting with PQ et al.

"if so why don't you tell everbody what he said???"

I did right here...


I also kept some things to myself, but others who post here know what I told them in private e-mails and phone conversations. Darrell knows too, he's just able to look past it, I'm not.

"Why wasn't Darrell sitting at the table with you to hear what was being said???"

Uh, he was. He invited me...so I'd probably refrain from commenting further on things you have no knowledge of. If anything, I don't post things I know because of him and other shareholders who have very large positions and who I've come to know and appreciate.

The rest of your post I can't comment on because it is unintelligible garbage.

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