"What will it take for dumpers and traders to decide to hold the long side for best $$$ return?"
Maybe it's the rumor of a Batista, Carlos Slim, Donald Trump, Charles Bronfman, Al Simon to be our savior that gets us back up to .46 OR the drills are really approaching and rumor then spreads that they hit a hot vein and results are about to be announced publicly, maybe just then will this puppy really take off with FACTS, not just BS RUMORS ANYMORE.
Investors want results at this point and don't care at this point whether the stock is at .027 or .057--they want to know that everything is in place and that results will take us back in the teens. Then you have others that take a chance that we hit bottom and load up for the last time hoping that the train really does leave the station.
We already spread the word, just look, there's 6,000 shareholders in a penny stock. Not sure if there is another .03 stock that has that many shareholders and 1 that has 100 shareholders showing up to their annual SHM.
Im quite confident in 1 thing, when it's really time to move UP, this and the other stock will put our portfolios in the green and we'll all stop bitching. Until then, ................................