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Message: O! how the mighty have fallen...

I never pretended to have all the answers. Well...ok...maybe I pretended a bit, and the move toward my $23 post-election silver price is well underway. However, I am not coming here this fine evening to toot my own horn, or tell my friend Pic that I like my steaks cooked medium. I am posting for one reason:

I just read Pic's post from yesterday. I will put it mildly, without any profanity...SFMI management should be ashamed of themselves. A man like Pic has put his time, money, and, most importantly, his reputation on the line...for what? A few million bucks in the pockets of the royal family? Do the math. They are doing quite well. Pic...you're a good man. You shouldn't be treated like this. You should already be reaping the benefits of a multiple dollar stock. Instead, what do we find? This man says that he needs to take a break from the boards. And rightly so. This is BS and they know it.

While I'm at it...a good number of you know Anton. He didn't make out like a bandit. He lost money. He was as good a cheerleader as they come...until the crap just didn't add up. Notice that he's not posting on the boards anymore? Wouldn't you think he would be all over this thread rubbing salt in the wounds if he was as vindictive as you portray? His take goes something like this, "if they can't see the train...they can't blame me for the mess!" Where are some of the others? Hurricane Rick is as good a guy as they come...some on this board ran him out of town with pics and torches. Heck, even Bobby Joe got so ticked at the attacks on Bill E. that he threatened to leave (glad he didn't.) Point is, some of you boys seem suspicious of new posters and old friends. Give it a rest. If new blood isn't buying at these prices, they obviously see something which you don't.

I never thought I would be on the outside of SFMI/GHDC looking in. Lo! and behold.

Garick, you seem eager enough to put your money where your mouth is these days. How bout this...Giants win, I mail you a 10oz. bar of silver...Tigers win, you mail me a 10oz. bar of silver. What say you? I can afford it...unloaded silver near $35 a few weeks ago when Clive predicted the bloodbath just around the corner. PM me if you feel lucky.

Sorry if this rubs some folks the wrong way. I'm like Howard Cosel...telling it like it is.

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