In order for the CEO and others in high places to be paid a fair wage a certain amount of dilution may have to happen. I don't think SFMI or GHDC can pay out the salaries in cash so the execs will have to take shares instead of cash. At todays prices it would only take 300 million shares to pay out the $6 million in the upcoming years salaries. If the share price decreased to .01 the dilution would have to double, of course if that happened the execs would benefit at sale time if they could make the price rise back to todays level or higher at the sale time. There is also the possibility that the execs are due for a raise. We can only speculate on that which we have no control over. I know if I were the one making the decisions over my salary increase such as the Congress has, I believe my salary would benefit greatly especially if I can't be fired. Luckily War Eagle Mountain has so much Gold and Silver there will be plenty to go around.
Yippie ki yay